
He's having a Luke Scott 2006 start to his year and it will be interesting

He's having a Luke Scott 2006 start to his year and it will be interesting to see how he adjusts to ML pitchers adjusting to him.That boy has got to have about THE ugliest swing in MLB but I gotta say that it's working.He's all arms and gangly legs kind of reminds me of a 4 month old puppy who is going to grow into a very large dog.I'm replica Corum 02120.105000 watch certainly not going to say that The Saviour is a shoo-in for R.O.Y.after 18 days in the bigs as a whole lot of fans are now insisting after all he was hitting .220 just 3 days ago it IS a long season and youneverknow.I am really amused by all the fans who keep insisting that he should be moved to leadoff.

So in the middle of the 4th, it's Dbax 5, Stros 1 (woulda been Stros 2 iffn Ensberg hadn't got his fool self CS out by 10 feet) so Husband sez (hopefully) cmon baby, they done already lost, they can't come back no 4 runs, lets go to bed.Boy wastin his breath.So in the bottom of the 4th with 2 on, Taveras hits a weak grounder to SS for the 3rd out.It's replica Rado R13633701 Ladie's watch that Ortiz pitched so great, it's that we didn't hit real too good with MOB (you've heard this before?!)So in the top of the 5th, they score 2 more runs off Pettite on 2 singles and a double down the LF line that went over the bag, score is Dbax 7, Stros 1 and Husband sez cmon, baby, you KNOW they can't come back from THIS.

Wanna bet, I sez? Besides, it's only the 5th it's after the 6th they ain't come back and anyhow, Ortiz ain't zackly Pedro 99.So Harville pitches the top of the 6th, gives up a single to Ortiz (I TOLD yall he can hit), then gets Cintron to ground into a 3-6-3 DP we haven't seen that in a LONG time and Clayton FO.Ortiz comes back out, walks Lamb, Everett doubles, Ausmus hits an RBI single, Todd Self comes up to pinch hit and hits a HR into the RF replica Rado R22300712 Men's watch stands about 350! Maybe this'll get the boy a little respect from the team and he might could get out there and start a game or 2!So Ortiz is out and Lance Cormier comes in he gives up lots of hits and walks, but somehow, runs don't score.

